Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.


Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

August 9th, 2018 1

Civilized pacing 243/365

I got up early and drove over to my friend’s neighborhood to run my speed work today. I knew I’d run faster if he was with me. And I knew I’d have no speed if I waited until the end of the day with the kids. I was kind of hoping he’d forgotten I was coming over, but the lights were on when I drove up. I downed my coffee [...]
