Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

February 2025
« Apr    




I’ve enjoyed great success running ultramarathons and I love sharing the lessons I’ve learned about training and racing with others to help them achieve their goals.  As a spouse, mother of a 10 year-old and a 3 year-old, and a NOLS instructor, I am particularly talented at designing schedules that respect family and work commitments.  Please take a look at the Sharman Ultra Endurance Coaching for more information about me and my racing history and how Ian Sharman’s Ultra Endurance Coaching works.

I look forward to hearing from you!

“Liza was instrumental in helping me complete my first 50 mile run. I finished strong, happy and healthy. The training plan I received was thorough and Liza is always quick in responding to all my questions ranging from nutrition to pacing and even the mental hardships of an ultra. My endurance not only increased after Liza’s instruction, but my speed has improved significantly too as I saw my marathon time decreased by over an HOUR from last year. Liza’s knowledge, experience and passion for ultras has definitely given me an edge out there.”

-Tim Smith, Cactus Rose 50 mile finisher

“Liza has been coaching me for about 4 months. In that time I have completed my first and second hundred milers. When we started working together, Liza was able to assess where I was and put together a program that capitalized on my current fitness level and focused my efforts toward my next event. The plan Liza provided was balanced and allowed for recovery and kept me challenged. After completing my first 100 Liza adapted my training plan to allow for recovery with an eye toward the next race 7 weeks away. Due to this I was able to successfully finish my second 100 coming in under 22 hours.

I feel confident that the experience Liza brings to the table will allow her to be successful with any client training for any goal.”

-Jake Freed, Bear 100 mile and Javelina 100 mile finisher






Comments 4
  • Melissa Trolene
    Posted on

    Melissa Trolene Melissa Trolene

    Reply Author

    I am interested in your online coaching or a recommendation for a coach. I am a somewhat experienced ultra runner failing at work life balance (let’s be honest, work-run balance) and I was wondering if a coach could help.

  • Hope Cassel
    Posted on

    Hope Cassel Hope Cassel

    Reply Author

    I am interested in help for my first 50 miler which will be at high altitude in Leadville CO

  • Liv
    Posted on

    Liv Liv

    Reply Author

    Hi Liza,

    You coach one of my very good friends here in Ashland, OR so that’s how I got your name. My boyfriend is wanting to get into more long distance trail running and was hoping to find out your monthly rates and what you offer. My friend has nothing but good things to say about you and she’s had a kick ass race year.