Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

February 2025
« Apr    



Mushroom Mystery

I woke at 2am for some reason. I thought about starting in on a pile or work, but then the couch attacked me, and I just scrolled through Twitter for a while. I finally fell back to sleep listening to a disheartening politics podcast. I didn’t wake up again until after six, which put a kink in my morning rituals. Oh well. Here’s [...]



I’m going to try to write in the mornings this week. I’m just a useless salted slug by the time Ruby goes to bed at night. It’s all I can do to sit on the couch and scroll through Twitter. I can’t make actual sentences since I’m not having actual thoughts after about 3:30pm. 3pm. Okay, there is not actual thinking [...]


Chicken security and Virtual Race Series

We clipped the feathers on the chicken’s wings a few days ago, so we could let them roam around the backyard and not worry about them hopping the fence or roosting in the trees. I love watching them wander about. They’re just so plump and silly-looking. When I finished my run today, I found them looking for food near the fence [...]


Books and messages

I was a good runner today and stretched. I did it twice. That’s twice more than I’ve done all year. You know times are desperate when… My hamstring was bothering me a bit, and as my sanity and good humor depend on running daily, I took drastic measures. I also listened to an actual book on my run instead of a podcast. Stretching [...]


For Loriena

It really dumped rain today. I’m afraid I let the grayness get to me… the grayness and Ruby’s whining and touchiness … and my inability to make any progress on the things I really believe I should make progress on. I made the mistake of not heading out into the weather and knocking out my run first thing. I should have [...]
