I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Scantily clad photo shoot
So there I was last Monday, a super-sized bag of Skittles in hand, reading my e-mail. It’d been hard watching all the running at Western States from the sidelines. I didn’t think it was particularly hard at the time. Crewing with Brian and Chris was great. But after I’d bought and eaten two face-sized cookies at the airport [...]
I just got done giving Eliot a haircut on the back patio. I’ll be downloading the job application for Great Clips later today. And speaking of haircuts, I got one yesterday. (Length intact, fellows.) I did not expect Eliot to notice right off the bat. Like most people who have never had their hair washed at a beauty salon, [...]
Alamo Cool Tex Ice pack and me
I passed the day lounging around with an ice pack and a bottle of ibuprofen. Seems to be working. Not fast enough, mind you, but nothing to do about that really. I’ll make a point of telling Asa about how patience is a virtue at breakfast in the morning and feeling smug. Honestly the whole thing is too embarrassing to gripe about. It’s [...]
Mom in the Wild: Day 1
I’m sitting in the Tucson airport waiting for my ride. I’m perched on top of my huge duffle bag near an electrical outlet charging my phone. This wouldn’t be particularly enjoyable if there wasn’t live music happening by the baggage claim. The music is awesome. Cat Stevens, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and other mellow [...]
Small feet bound to Tucson
So the TSA woman just hollered out: “Those are the smallest shoes I’ve ever seen!” She was looking at my shoes in the bin in front of her. Really? I find this hard to believe. Honestly I think she was looking at a size 8 1/2. But she really looked incredulous and then leaned over the conveyor belt to get a look at my feet. [...]