I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Liza Howard
Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.
On Airrosti and PVC pipes
I use a 2 foot piece of 6 inch PVC pipe as a leg roller. It’s awesome and it cost $4 at the Home Depot in San Antonio. I did not bring it to Hawaii because it seemed like a piece of PVC pipe was probably on some airport security banned object list. (“No, really, I roll on it; I can show you.”) I figured my sister [...]
LizaGothic-chic runner
Do they remind you of the night sky? My dad sent my mom, sister, and me to a fancy spa yesterday. And I want to give a big smooch to whomever started the whole black nail polish trend. Gothic-chic runner with bruised toenails? The sparkles were my sister’s idea. Asa told me he liked red toenails better, but that the sparkles [...]