Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

June 2011
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It has been too many hours since I expressed my love for the Tripoint YMCA staff.  They are super and I’ve really enjoyed spending every evening with them for the past ten days.  Tonight on my way out the door, Eliot asked if he should be concerned that I referred to the Alter G as my boyfriend.  I assured him that my heart was big enough for the two of them.  Truth be told, I’ll turn my back on that expensive piece of equipment faster than Asa sucks juice out of a box when the podiatrist gives me the go ahead.  Bring on the gravity!  I certainly won’t miss all those YMCA patrons doing pull-ups and bicep curls in front of me and my T-Rex arms.  I have noticed a fashion trend in case you’re into such things.  Black socks.  All the bulky high school boys are wearing them.  The socks come up to these kids’ lower shins and it’s easy to imagine them in 60 years with black socks up to their knees, loafers, and a pair or Bermuda shorts.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for black trail running socks (Yeah Drymax!), but I don’t get this fad.  It’s probably just a hangup from middle school gym class.  White socks or you’re out of uniform and in detention.  I promise to keep you apprised of any other fashion news.

I listened to the new Marathon Talk podcast today on the Alter G today.  They interviewed Matt Dixon, a coach and performance consultant (coached Ryan Hall to his 2:04 marathon this year).  It’s well worth the listen for Dixon’s insights into the importance of recovery and vitality.  (I think.)

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