Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

March 2020
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Social Isolation Sanity Series


I’m working on creating a virtual run series for Band of Runners, and the folks I’m coaching, and any of you who need a race to get you out the door for a run. There will be five races from April through August. And they’ll take place right around the 19th of each month as a nod to our virus inspiration.

Update: I just talked to my friend Scott Jones of Becoming Ultra and we’re going to do this as a joint project.

Each race will have four distances to choose from:  5k, 10k, half marathon and 50k.

We’re working on all the details, but it’ll be free to sign up. And there will be many prizes. There’ll be prizes for each distance every month and for the overall best times in the series. There will also be a prize for the greatest cumulative distance raced, most improved performance, and any other bests we can come up with. Send your suggestions.

We’re thinking about calling it the Social Isolation Sanity Series and interviewing folks at some point before or after their run — or maybe during and then putting it up on Scott’s podcast. We’ll see.

I’ll post the final details and registration on Thursday, but we’re looking at something like this:

Distance choices: 5k, 10k, half marathon, and 50k

Tentative Dates: (You could run the distance on any of the three days.)

April 17,18,19

May 22,23,24

June 19,20,21

July 17,18,19

August 21,22,23

My Running: No miles. Just power washing the house. It took a pandemic, but I’m finally going to finish painting this house.

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