Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

March 2020
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Kindergarden, ping pong and musicals


Ruby might not graduate from kindergarden due to my ineptitude with Microsoft Classroom. Honestly, I would pay gold for an email from the teacher with the assignments. Or not! What if I just promised to read to Ruby a bunch between now and whenever she goes back to school? As it is, I already had to fake reading an article about the dessert. I couldn’t access the dang article, and after a full afternoon of trying, I decided “we’d” just do the desert worksheet without it. It’s like I’m failing kindergarden. All the work is due this Friday, and I can already see myself at 3am Friday morning yelling obscenities at the computer and also begging it to let me turn in her drawings.

In other news, Eliot brought some fun home from work. Yup, that’s a little ping pong net on the dining room table.

Today really rolled over me like a truck. I had a good run. I was pleasant and productive until about 4pm. Then I was useless. The ping pong tournament and watching lots of musical dance numbers on YouTube revived me a little bit. Nothing like a little Sutton Foster to revive the spirit. Then I found this article in the Washington post “The 31 best dance scenes in movies” and that buoyed me along until the end of the day.

Running: 74 minutes easy. This felt great, and I pushed a bit to the edge of easy. I was pretty happy to be forced to slow down though when Asa joined me for the last two miles.

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