Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

March 2020
« Dec   Apr »


Toilet paper and schedules


Someone sent us Donald Trump toilet paper. It’s a small roll with Trumps face on each sheet. I don’t know who sent it, and I’m not sure what to do with it. I mean, I don’t in any way want to use it to wipe with. Whatever your politics, we can agree on that, right? But I also don’t want to throw it away — with times being what they are. And I feel awkward re-gifting it. I’ve put it in the very back of the cupboard… just in case things get dire due to the evil toilet paper hoarders.

I’m working on our family’s schooling and working-from-home schedule tonight. Right now, we’re still allowed to travel to trails and bike paths, and that’ll need to be part of Ruby’s day if we’re all going to maintain our sanity. It was raining when we went out this morning, so we didn’t really have to dodge anybody. And Eliot brought along sweet tea for all of us.

I’m also going to have to come up with some sort of eating parameters. It’s just too easy to snack all day and into the night. I’m not interested in limiting food types — just hours maybe. You know, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Running: 80 minutes with some short hill repeats. 40 minutes with Eliot. 20 minutes with Asa. 20 minutes on my own. I need to get Ruby into the mix.

And yay! as always for Sandra Boynton.




Comments 4
  • Gillian
    Posted on

    Gillian Gillian

    Reply Author

    So when we were nearly out of TP I checked amazon and saw the Trump paper and felt similarly. It was also $12 a roll. Thankfully our local Walmart had some so we didn’t run out and have to collect leaves ? ?
    PS It wasn’t me

    • Liza
      Posted on

      Liza Liza

      Reply Author

      $12!!!! Good grief. Mullen makes the best plant TP. Charmin of the wilderness.

  • Gene Taylor
    Posted on

    Gene Taylor Gene Taylor

    Reply Author

    As for the Trump toilet paper; Give it to Ruby on her 21’st birthday. By then it will be collectable.

    Love the cows, I found them all, but I am from Wisconsin!

    Take care,


    • Liza
      Posted on

      Liza Liza

      Reply Author

      Good call, Gene.