Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.


Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

January 21st, 2018 1

Running Distraction 43/365

It rained today, and no house scraping or caulking could be done. Boo.  We had brunch with friends instead. Eliot made cinnamon rolls, and I made eggs Benedict. The later it got, the less I wanted to run. It was gray and rainy, and I’d rather have just kept eating cinnamon rolls all day. I whined a lot to everyone. It was suggested [...]
