I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
For Loriena
It really dumped rain today. I’m afraid I let the grayness get to me… the grayness and Ruby’s whining and touchiness … and my inability to make any progress on the things I really believe I should make progress on.
I made the mistake of not heading out into the weather and knocking out my run first thing. I should have gotten out of bed, put my rain jacket on over my pajamas, headed out the door and started running. Instead, I put on my big purple bathrobe and tucked into one of the wonderful egg mcmuffin’s Eliot had made. Then I worked a bit on a 1000-piece donut puzzle.
And that was all I accomplished today.
If today were a lasagna, it’d be one where the noodles weren’t cooked through and they’d used orange cheese instead of mozzarella.
Hope your day was much better. Here’s to tomorrow.
Running: Zilch.
PS. This is for one of my athletes who asked me if anything was hard or messy for my family right now.
Awe. So true. Once you put the fuzzy bathrobe on you’re done. Hope today is much better! You’re allowed a few slouchy days in a pandemic. Keep posting your run log at the end. Inspires me!
Thanks, Andrea. I’m wearing a more productive, plaid bathrobe today.