Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

March 2020
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Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

March, 2020 5

A Good Day’s Scavenging

I got up at 4am to have some uninterrupted time working. It was so worth it. I’d do it everyday, but I just can’t force myself into bed at 8pm yet. Here’s today’s most interesting bulky item pickup find on the neighborhood running loop. So why do you think this family is giving up on Christmas? Or did they decide they [...]


Bulky Item Pickup Time!

It’s my favorite time of year in the neighborhood: Bulky Item Pickup! No more flower pictures for a while from the 2-mile running loop. Until the 31st, it’ll be treats like this: So I’m thinking these people’s grandkids have grown too old for sand boxes and tiny carts. And their dog got a lot bigger,  and they don’t [...]


Kindergarden, ping pong and musicals

Ruby might not graduate from kindergarden due to my ineptitude with Microsoft Classroom. Honestly, I would pay gold for an email from the teacher with the assignments. Or not! What if I just promised to read to Ruby a bunch between now and whenever she goes back to school? As it is, I already had to fake reading an article about the dessert. [...]


Social Isolation Sanity Series

I’m working on creating a virtual run series for Band of Runners, and the folks I’m coaching, and any of you who need a race to get you out the door for a run. There will be five races from April through August. And they’ll take place right around the 19th of each month as a nod to our virus inspiration. Update: I just talked [...]


Toilet paper and schedules

Someone sent us Donald Trump toilet paper. It’s a small roll with Trumps face on each sheet. I don’t know who sent it, and I’m not sure what to do with it. I mean, I don’t in any way want to use it to wipe with. Whatever your politics, we can agree on that, right? But I also don’t want to throw it away — [...]
