Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

December 2011
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Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

December, 2011 5

To Big Bend and Back Again

We’ve been out in Big Bend on a family camping trip these past few days.  There was a good amount of oatmeal eating in the cold.    Some balancing shenanigans with good friends. Some rock skipping lessons and some sand dune scaling. (Asa’s the little black smudge on the far right.) It was a family car camping perfection [...]


Little piggy and markets

My parents are in town and we are having a grand time.  Yesterday we went to the commissary on Fort Sam Houston so they could stock my cupboards.  We are now stocked and I have a new strategy for the hills at Bandera on the 7th.  I will roll down them.  This little piggy went to market, indeed. The best quote from the visit so far has [...]


Smug virtue and early morning running

I dragged myself out of bed at 4 this morning to meet a friend for a 5am run.  I am also scheduled for a 7am run with some other friends today.  (Long run, anyone?)  In any event, it took every bit of willpower I have not to send a text to my 5am date canceling Run #1.  I had to yell at myself a few times (in my head since Eliot was still [...]
