I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Huntsville nightlife
Good grief, have you seen who’s registered for Rocky now? Scott Jurek, Anton Krupicka, Hal Koerner, and Karl Meltzer. It’ll be awesome to see them running. And, yes, I will have Asa’s nap mat and a Sharpie ready post race — if they decide to hang around for a couple (five) hours — and I’m not tossing my [...]
Thanks for the shove out the door Dr. Sheehan
I was expecting an important call at 10:30 this morning. So the plan was: Drop Asa off at “school” at 8:30, run from 9:00 to 10:15, sit in the car and wait for the 10:30 call, talk happily, finish 20 miles at a good clip, drive home, shower, dress, and leave to pick Asa up by 2:00. Nothing but net. Except when I got back [...]
Fear induced speed
I had a great fear-induced tempo run last night. I’d been running along a dark, lonely road with trees on both sides for about five miles when I started to feel unnerved. I’m usually pretty comfortable in the dark, but last night it just took a few deer crashing through the brush alongside the road and the shadows cast by my headlamp [...]
Prisoner dandruff
This is the tag on the mattress I’m sleeping on tonight at Texas State’s University Camp out in Wimberley. Can you make that out? It says,”Texas Department of Corrections.” That’s right, I’m sleeping on a prison mattress tonight. My mother would be displeased. 😉 The mattress weighs 90 pounds too. I almost [...]
I’m sitting in the car in the parking lot at Friedrich Park finishing off the last of my coffee. I’ve got five mile-repeats scheduled and I’m not all that excited to get them done. Tell me to run 40 miles instead and I’d be happy as a lark. Mile repeats just paralyze me. I’m teaching up in Wimberley this weekend [...]