I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Sore arms and popular moms
I have to sit very still to type, so I don’t jostle any muscles in my arms. I am sooore from those push-ups. Today I’m starting back in on all those leg squats and lunges again. I expect to be a bag of soreness by Friday. Does anyone have a leg workout video they like? I do better with videos for strengthening exercises. [...]
Costume contest and cosmic messages
I kicked a metal pipe with my good foot yesterday at the pool. I was thinking about unimportant things (whether the shirt I was wearing over my bathing suit made it look like I wasn’t wearing bathing suit bottoms) and I walked right into the pipe that fills the pool. It sticks up out of the cement (in an impossible-not-to-see-and-avoid [...]
Article about sweaty running for you
Here’s an article titled “Myths About Running in Heat” in Running Times Magazine that I thought you’d like. I certainly liked reading how training in the heat might help performance in cooler races. I’ve decided to believe this wholeheartedly. (102 good training degrees here today.) My favorite part is the [...]
In which I behave badly
I attended the YMCA’s nutrition clinic for the half marathon last night, and, I’ve got to say, I’m not very proud of my behavior there. My role was to support the registered dietician’s presentation and answer any particularly geeky race nutrition questions. It was a recipe for disaster really: A room full of new and new-ish runners, [...]
Metatarsal stress fracture reading
I am beginning to feel like a runner again. Along with having to do more laundry, this means I’m perusing the running blog world during Asa’s naptimes (and ignoring the housework) again. I stumbled across one yesterday entitled “Metatarsal Stress Fractures in Minimalist Runners: What Are the Causes?” on Runblogger. [...]