I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Tim is great!
What do you think of this fanciness? Tim, a local ultrarunner and friend, did everything here. He even came up with the ultramom logo — for all you ultramoms out there. (Oh, yes, there is a bumper sticker for sale on this site. I’ll let you find it.) (All proceeds go to the Lego company. And maybe towards a cup of [...]
Photo shoot redux and age
I’ve been looking at all those hundreds of pictures of myself that were taken at the photo shoot last month now that I have good internet connection and some free time. (Don’t even pretend you wouldn’t do the same.) Two of my friends had me read Tina Fey’s chapter on photo shoots in Bossypants — after listening [...]
Green-hatted pirate
I’ve spent the day trying to put a dent in a “To Do” list that takes up two pages of lined paper. “Family budget” is above “blog post,” but I’m procrastinating before coming to terms with the consequences of the air conditioning bill. (Ramen, anyone?) This picture of Asa the Pirate will [...]
Land jogging
I am running on land consistently again. And all is right with the world. (Except all that bad stuff.) The workouts are given to me in minutes without any particular pace, but I am full of gratitude none-the-less. Now I have to concentrate on getting back in shape without getting broken again. I also need to concentrate on losing [...]
Talking at the Y tonight
I’m still on Ireland time apparently. I woke up at 3 this morning ready for the day. I’m speaking at the YMCA tonight about “Running Shoes, Apparel and Accessories,” so the extra hours are handy. I have lots to say about all those things, but my thoughts are kind of a jumble and I don’t want the audience [...]