I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Race Reports
Rocky 2015: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (and Gear)
I’ve always wanted to visit the Huntsville State Prison gift shop. Four years I’ve come to Huntsville to run the Rocky 100, and four years, what with one thing and another, I haven’t made it. Not this year; This year, gifts were purchased. Yes, I know how to take care of my crew. (They actually work. There’s a [...]
In which I try to ruin Hal’s race, PR, and set a new CR at the Umstead 100
Well, let’s just get this out of the way right off the bat. I ran the first loop of the eight-loop Umstead course with Hal Koerner. This was very fun, and also smacked of being crazy, since I’d only run one 60-miler since the baby was born (yes, that was the nap attack 100k) and a 40-miler on the treadmill, during which I took every [...]
Bandera 100k: The Tale of Two 50ks, a Friend, and a Shirt
I could hear my mother in-law trying to sooth Ruby in the living room while I packed my bags for Bandera. This was my fifth time running Bandera, and I had no idea how to pack. I hadn’t raced since Bandera in 2013 — just before I found out I was pregnant. Now Ruby was almost 3 months old, and I had no idea what to pack. [...]
Repairable: Rocky Raccoon 2012
Rocky Raccoon went downhill for me after this auspicious trash-bag-wearing start. (PS. If you’re going to wear a trashbag during a race, buy those kitchen ones with the tie flaps. Makes for a fashionable skirt.) In summary: Well, let’s be honest, surrounded by good friends and family, it was a lot more like this: The rain [...]
Javelina Race Report: Part 1
I hardly know where to begin. Do you want to know about the IVs and catheterization first or the 15 hours and 47 minutes of running? I’ll start with the 101.4 miles. The atmosphere at Javelina is entirely welcoming. I haven’t been to a race outside of Texas in a long while and it felt strange at first to be surrounded by ultrarunners [...]