I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Liza Howard
Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.
Eisenhower Park
I’m sure I’ve run the outside loop at Eisenhower Park a couple hundred times. It’s only about 4 miles. I can’t decide whether still enjoying that loop means I’m incredibly dull or I’m closing in on Enlightenment. Running circles on the rocky trails through live oaks, junipers, and yucca is akin to staring [...]
No nap
The boy didn’t nap today and I am wrecked. I don’t really ever accomplish much when he’s down, but I’ve come to count on an hour or two of quiet every day. I need time to marshall my forces for the next toddler barrage. There’s nothing I’d rather being doing than being Asa’s mom, I’m just saying [...]
Eliot and Asa took me to Eisenhower Park for a two-hour run this morning. (Supportive spouse: check!) Thank God there was a forklift in the parking lot. Asa was entertained for the full 120 minutes that I was gone. I can’t say the same for Eliot, though he was doing an excellent job walking Asa through a detailed Forklift Pre-Use checklist [...]
Father’s Day
Another good good day. Eliot’s back pain wasn’t too bad, so we were able to go to the Botanical Gardens and feed some ducks. One almost took off Asa’s finger, but happily, he left with ten. It was flipping hot, but I think we’ve finally acclimatized to the heat after almost five years here. Time to move, so I can complain [...]
2 hours!
I went out to Government Canyon this morning to run with friends for the first time in a long long while. And I had the best run I’ve had yet. My foot was sore most of the way, but only a kind of dulled soreness. I’m not sure whether to attribute the lack of pain to the obnoxious amount of stretching and calf rolling I’ve [...]