I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Leg work and tiny triathletes
The cat and I are lounging on an exercise mat in the middle of the living room. I just finished doing a bunch of leg and core work. Yesterday I started getting panicky about the climbs at Leadville. Running against water resistance is great and all (love it!), but it’s not a hill. I got the go-ahead to set the Alter G to 50% body weight, [...]
Crewing at Western States
I’m sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Sacramento scribbling on one of those tiny hotel notepads while my phone charges. Formula One is on the TV and the housekeeping staff is vacuuming and cleaning up the continental breakfast fixings. I’m feeling a bit wrecked after crewing at Western States yesterday, but I am chock full of [...]
Scolding and pre-race fun
If Brian hadn’t hustled me out the door this morning, there’s no way I would have made it to the pool to aqua jog. And if I’d known the water was going to be 77 degrees when I got there, I would have thrown a fluffy pillow at him and stayed in bed until 9. I am not fond of cold water. It did make me aqua jog a bit faster [...]
Winging our way Westward
Chris and I are on our second Southwest flight and we should be in Salt Lake City in an hour. Cool air. Whoop. I’ve been awarded free drinks on this flight for giving up my bulkhead seat to a paralyzed man in a wheel chair. I don’t ever sit at the bulkhead because you can’t store your bag under the seat. (Those overhead storage [...]