I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Y Talk Review
It was a very tiny audience at the YMCA last night, so it felt more like I was blathering on to people on a group run (as is my wont) than addressing an audience. Good for everybody. I think. At any rate, it’s always fun to talk to complete strangers about nipples and chaffing. There was only one man there (well, two, but the [...]
We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto
We arrived in country at 5am today. 55 degrees and rainy. We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto. Our hotel was nice enough to let us check in extremely early, so we didn’t have to lug our bags around town for the day. We enjoyed some tea brewed in our tiny in-room tea pot, figured out how the lights worked, where the towels [...]
Scantily clad photo shoot
So there I was last Monday, a super-sized bag of Skittles in hand, reading my e-mail. It’d been hard watching all the running at Western States from the sidelines. I didn’t think it was particularly hard at the time. Crewing with Brian and Chris was great. But after I’d bought and eaten two face-sized cookies at the airport [...]
Best laid plans
More often than not I am sad about the clutter in our family car. Not so this morning. I will be forever thankful for the random bath towel in the backseat. Asa and I were driving Eliot downtown for a meeting when Asa mentioned he wasn’t feeling well. I figured he just wasn’t excited about going to the YMCA with me afterwards [...]
What I talk about when I talk about aqua jogging
I am beat. Somehow it’s 10:30pm and the boy has just settled down for the night. I have my fingers crossed for a late morning wake-up. 7am Lord? I’m still feeling a bit seasick from the aqua jogging tonight. I couldn’t get to the neighborhood pool until 5:20pm — prime cannonballing time for kids and their [...]