I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Toilet paper and schedules
Someone sent us Donald Trump toilet paper. It’s a small roll with Trumps face on each sheet. I don’t know who sent it, and I’m not sure what to do with it. I mean, I don’t in any way want to use it to wipe with. Whatever your politics, we can agree on that, right? But I also don’t want to throw it away — [...]
Good running and questionable parenting
Running: 14 miles moderate hard with 1 minute pickups This was an excellent run, and I have no idea why. I mean, maybe it was the 30 degree drop in temperature from Thursday. 50 degree running is pretty invigorating. I even got a few “Nice work!” from other runners. But as soon as I walked in the door afterwards, I felt like a [...]
Grumpiness, laughter and 3.5 bagels
I can hear the kids in therapy years from now. “Mom was always so grumpy.” “She never smiled after 9am.” “Do you remember when she’d just mutter to herself about the amount of laundry she had to do?” “And how she stopped shaving and wearing a bra in March 202o? I’ll have to work on creating [...]
Toss them fish sticks
I took this tweet as gospel today, but I went with Goldfish instead of fish sticks. (Also, kimihimo is a Japanese braiding technique. Did you all already know that?) Ruby appeared in this outfit during a Skype call I had with a coaching client. From bottom to top, she’s wearing: my heels, a pair of jeans leggings, my Spanx slip, and [...]
Schedules to save my soul
I’m going to have to create more structure in our days. My good humor is entirely used up by about 4pm and my soul is gray —with black spots. I woke up at 3:30am, and the day went downhill once the coffee wore off. I did manage to check in with most of my coaching clients and answer emails before Ruby got up at 6am. Winning! I [...]