I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
I ran an hour and 15 yesterday on trails. Not quite the 90 minute goal, but 10 minutes of progress. Glacier style progress, but progress. We’ll see what today brings. 64 days until Leadville. Plenty of time… I used to work in Leadville for the Colorado Outward Bounds School. It’s where I met my husband. I can’t wait [...]
65 minutes
Made it 65 minutes yesterday. Whoop! Going for 90 today. A big jump, but the sooner I can free myself from the aquajogger, the better for everyone. I’ve got my Leadville course map out and I can’t wait to get back there. More on that later; Gotta drive my mom to the airport.
Another hour
Well, I managed to run another hour this morning before the PF let me know who’s in charge. I’d whine more about having to stop, but my mom is in town from DC, Asa is playing happily with a new set of Legos, and I was able to run before noon (no ice in the sports bra necessary today), so I’m in a pretty great mood. One nice [...]
Looking Forward
Well, it feels strange to be blogging about running when I’ve pretty much been side-lined for the last month and a half with plantar fasciitis. But I was actually able to run for an hour yesterday, so today seems as good a day as any to start looking forward. I’m hoping to run Leadville in August — foot willing and the river [...]
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