I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Mushroom Mystery
I woke at 2am for some reason. I thought about starting in on a pile or work, but then the couch attacked me, and I just scrolled through Twitter for a while. I finally fell back to sleep listening to a disheartening politics podcast. I didn’t wake up again until after six, which put a kink in my morning rituals. Oh well. Here’s to Tuesday anyway!
Remember the Donald Trump roll of toilet paper someone anonymous person sent us? Well, the mystery continues. A organic mushroom growing kit arrived last week. It is much better than the toilet paper, and we have no idea who sent it or why.
So, as it stands, we’ve received two pretty great games for the kids, one roll of Trump TP and this mushroom kit. Who is gifting us???
Running: 70 minutes
Liza, how are you all doing?
We’re doing okay, all things considered. Everybody is healthy. We’re just sad. How are you and your family?