Liza Howard

Liza Howard

Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.

March 2020
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Grumpiness, laughter and 3.5 bagels


I can hear the kids in therapy years from now.

“Mom was always so grumpy.”

“She never smiled after 9am.”

“Do you remember when she’d just mutter to herself about the amount of laundry she had to do?”

“And how she stopped shaving and wearing a bra in March 202o?

I’ll have to work on creating happier memories tomorrow. Today, I had a lot of work, and the guilt about spending time doing it along with the constant distraction was pretty challenging.

I’d set up a virtual Happy Hour for the Band of Runners crew on Zoom, and I spent most of the day dreading that. I don’t do non-virtual Happy Hours, and I mostly wanted to crawl under the bed by the time Eliot got home and the Zoom time arrived.

But I did it — with a large glass of wine. And it was lovely. Now I  have to figure out some virtual races and group runs.

Asa’s did school work from 9a until 2pm, and then he hunkered down in front of his YouTube tutor to perfect his one-handed card shuffling. Then he made this.

Ruby wept some, laughed some, ate 3.5 bagels and wrote some letters.

Running: 30 minutes easy.

It was supposed to dump rain today, so I got out before Eliot left for work. A cold front came through last night, and it was 30  degrees cooler than when I ran yesterday. It felt so good. I wished I could have run longer. (Kind of.)

These are my favorite cactuses on the 2-mile loop. They seem so fat and jolly.

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