I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
Liza Howard
Liza Howard is a long-time is a longtime ultrarunner who lives in San Antonio, Texas. She teaches for NOLS Wilderness Medicine, coaches, directs the non-profit Band of Runners, and drives her kids around in a minivan.
No longer safe and freeze dried foods
The pause in blogging has been brought to you by Ruby and her newfound climbing skills. IMG_1382 (Click the link, not the picture, if you want to see the end of Asa’s peace of mind regarding his Legos.) I discovered this expression of Eliot’s climbing genes yesterday when I came around the corner into the living room. Ruby [...]
Race Directing Stories, Hot Yoga, Commercials and Squeaky Shoes
Look! I’m in a commercial of sorts!! I am not sitting on the couch with the rest of the team discussing the importance of pockets and the like because it was filmed around 9pm and Ruby had turned into a wailing banshee halfway through the dinner preceding the video shoot. She wailed through the team dinner, wailed on the 30-minute [...]
Fifty percent and pain and the point of running long.
Asa came rushing into the kitchen yesterday in his underwear saying, “Guys! You’ve got to see this!!” I’d only had one cup of coffee, and I don’t know what I thought was coming next, but I was pretty relieved he just wanted to show off the size of a bruise on his thigh. He’d whacked his leg getting [...]
Rocky 2015: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (and Gear)
I’ve always wanted to visit the Huntsville State Prison gift shop. Four years I’ve come to Huntsville to run the Rocky 100, and four years, what with one thing and another, I haven’t made it. Not this year; This year, gifts were purchased. Yes, I know how to take care of my crew. (They actually work. There’s a [...]