I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
The Dust Will Settle Shortly
Hi folks! I’m in bed with my feet propped up trying to get my legs and feet to look less like sausages. Boy do I have some stories for you all. I’ve got a bit more adventuring to do this morning, but I’ll get a race report up as soon as the dust settles a bit.
Okay, that was just mean. I saw that you had posted and was anxious to hear about JJ100. But all selfishness aside, rest up so that we can get a full report! You rock!
I know Aaron! (about the meanness) I’m working on the Javelina sentences, but the fistfulls of Jelly Bellies keep getting in the way.
and milk chocolate, and sun chips I hope!
You know it sister!
Good on you Liza! Great run and awesome finish. I saw your finish in real time on the live ultracast. I love technology. Wow, two sub 16 hour 100’s in one year with months of injury and rehab in between. What an overachiever you are.
Hope the cold rain did’nt slow you too much,Gene
OK, this isn’t going to win me any friends, but it didn’t start raining until after I’d finished. I am beyond impressed with the runners who had to deal with that too. I would have cried.
Saw on footfeathers’ site how well you did. Wow. Amazing coming back from an injury like that – congrats!
Thanks so much! I’m very happy to be running long again.
Congratulations on your win at Javelina!!! You are awesome!!! Rest and recover Ultra girl!
Will do!
Lizaaaaa! I love it, I love it I LOVE it! (legs kicking in air) You are so amazing, so inspiring. What with your injuries- my lord, you are driven. I was talking to a fellow nurse at work about you and she just shook her head and said, “These crazy good runners just have different MITOCHONDRIA than we do!” ha!ha! I have to refer to my biology and physiology books for that but suffice it to say you are “different” all right!
Congratulations on your win!
Thanks Lisa! You are awesome. 🙂