I’m starting to think about MdS as a restful vacation with a bit running thrown in. I’m not underestimating the desert...
LizaI ran an hour and 15 yesterday on trails. Not quite the 90 minute goal, but 10 minutes of progress. Glacier style progress, but progress. We’ll see what today brings. 64 days until Leadville. Plenty of time…
I used to work in Leadville for the Colorado Outward Bounds School. It’s where I met my husband. I can’t wait to see that town and those gorgeous mountains again. The last time I was there I got to witness an honest-to-goodness Old West bar fight. A man actually picked up a chair to smash over another man’s head. The bartender, a very small lady, told my friends and me later that one of the brawlers had hit her in the mouth. When we expressed our shock and sympathy, she told us that he’d “hit like a girl.” She seemed to know what she was talking about. She almost lost some of the tips stuffed into her bra as she leaned over our table to tell us this. Can’t wait.